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Banking News from the FT


2020: Spring Workshop (Chania, 5 June 2020)


FINEST workshops are small meetings with an in-depth discussion (from top scholars) of a limited number of high-quality papers with the aim of fostering discussion among academics, policymakers, and practitioners about the evolving challenges facing banks.

In the 2020 spring workshop, we expect to accept up to seven full papers for presentation and a set of research proposals (in the “early idea” session).

We invite submission of papers in all areas related to financial intermediation, including bank risk taking, regulation, supervision, financial stability, resolution mechanisms, ownership structure and governance issues, market structure and competition, and FinTech.

Bill Francis, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, U.S.A
Claudia Girardone, Essex Business School, U.K.
Luigi Guiso, European University Institute, Italy
Simon Kwan, Federal Bank of San Francisco, U.S.A

Submissions Deadline: 22 March 2020
Notification of Acceptance: 30 March 2020
Conference Program Disclosure: 15 April 2020
Conference Papers Final Version Due Deadline: 20 April 2020

Please, submit your paper (or research proposal for the early idea session) by email:

Financial Engineering Laboratory, Technical University of Crete
Department of Economics, University of Crete
Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania

Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania, Makedonias 1st, Chania, Crete, Greece